About psychotherapy

About Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy – AEDP

AEDP is a contemporary psychotherapy, founded by Diana Fosha PhD towards the end of the ‘90s and developed together with the AEDP Institute and the wider international AEDP community. With solid roots in attachment theory, AEDP combines modern models like interpersonal neurobiology, polivagal theory and somatic work, to which it adds its core value and motto: undoing aloneness.

AEDP mediates healing and growth at the broken places; we focus on the flower, not on the cracks. We build a “horizontal” safe connection between client and therapist in order to restore the “vertical” connection within the client. It focuses on moment to moment emotional cues, to release healing waves of withheld affect and cement new neural pathways of wellbeing. One of beliefs which is common to us those in the AEDP community is that within each and every one of us there are sparks of life, energy, creativity and joy that no trauma or hurt can extinguish. In AEDP we explicitly look for and invite out these sparks, to make themselves known, to grow and spread healing, at the broken places.

About Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis (TA) as a psychotherapy method was created by Dr. Eric Berne (photo) in the 1950’s.

In the beginning years, TA was a straightforward approach, emphasizing thinking and behavioural change. With time, whilst preserving its clarity, TA began to develop as a relational psychotherapy. We were invited to focus more on the subtle ways our clients spoke to us, sometimes without using words, and the responses triggered within ourselves as therapists.

As a result, TA developed as a powerful approach to working with emotions that are painful to get in touch with, as they can be experienced in cases of early trauma.

TA is successfully used also in counselling, organisational and educational areas, which together with psychotherapy form the four fields of Transactional Analysis. The activity of TA professionals is internationally regulated, which ensures the consistency of its ethical and moral values, in all parts of the world.