
I’ve asked my clients to share briefly about their experience of psychotherapy, how it feels to be in therapy and what is gained. Here’s what they said:

“I began therapy in November 2020. My only regret is that I didn’t start sooner. Therapy has woken me up to the reality of my own life. It helped me see I can face my fears, love myself fully and overcome my limits everyday.  It’s not linear nor easy, it can feel painful but the journey is truly so beautiful because all you do is grow and understand. In my view, therapy is a must if you want to get out of your bubble and experience your true nature. Thank you, Ioana! Thank you for living myself in awareness and grace.”


“Therapy has given me the opportunity to observe my thoughts and experience my emotions and has provided a safe space when this has been overwhelming or frightening. I am now much more able to observe and reflect on my thoughts and emotions and to untangle the complexities of what is behind them. Through therapy I have more capacity to treat myself and the workings of my brain with kindness and to choose ways of thinking that are more helpful and authentic to who I am and how I want to show up in the world. Therapy is not always easy, but I have found it always to be of benefit, and I do think finding the right therapist and committing to working together in a safe supportive environment is the best gift you can ever give yourself.”


“Many times I said to myself that therapy is only for the crazy, and that I can handle stuff on my own, when in fact, deep down, I would have wanted to go and ask for help. Now I believe therapy is an extraordinary way to alleviate the day to day loneliness, and get to know yourself better, no matter how cliche this may sound.”


“The sessions with Ioana help me get to know myself better, as an individual person, and as an individual-in-relationship with those around me. I learned to pay attention to the close relationship between mind and body – an aspect I had not considered enough until I began treatment. I learned to take care of my mental health, to take time out and breathe, to reflect calmly upon my problems and decisions. I also understood that therapy is a process of gradual healing, which requires time and energy, and not something that sorts out your issues over night.”


“Therapy is a way for me to process difficult feelings and life events in a safe, supportive environment. No matter what I may need to express, I know that I will always be listened to without judgment. Therapy is a tool that helps me see things in ways I would not have considered otherwise. These “Ah-ha!” moments allow me to heal and move forwards exponentially, in ways that I would not have on my own.”